T const * p ó const T * p;
T * const p;
T const * const p ó const T * const p;
Character array literal.
Char* p = "kaven";
P[1] = 'A'; //no compile time error! But will got runtime error!!
Const char* cp = "kaven";
Cp[1] = 'A'; //compile error!!
Char ap[] = "kaven";
Ap[1] = 'A'; //ok!
・ Character array literals "kaven" is created by the compiler as a constant character array .
・ So suggest that use const char* if you don't want it to be changed.
・ If you want to be able to modify the string ,put it in array: char ap[];
Assignment and type cheching
Int d = 1;
Const int e = 2;
Int* pd = &d; //ok!
Int* pe = &e; //error! Can not assign the address of a const object to a non-const pointer.
//because you are saying you might change the object via the pointer.
Int const *cp = &e; //ok now.
Int * const cp = &e; //error too.
Int* pe = (int*)&e; //illegal but bad practice.
・ You can assign the address of a non-const object to a const pointer.
・ But you can't assign the address of a const object to a non-const pointer!
Const T func( const T& a) const;
const T& a) const;
bitwise constness的坚持者认为,当且仅当成员函数不修改对象的任何数据成员(静态数据成员除外)时,即不修改对象中任何一个比特(bit)时,这个成员函数才是const的。
避免了所谓的"切割问题(slicing problem)"。
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