A Modeler is a faceted solid modeling system. It should provides the following
- B-Rep data structure for the faceted representation of solid bodies.
- Combination of bodies using the regularized Boolean operations -- union,
intersection, and difference -- and sectioning bodies with a plane.
- Perspective or parallel projection with hidden lines removed.
- Box, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus, pipe, rectangleToCircleReducer,
convex hull and other primitives.
- Set of sweep operations including general extrusion along the path,
allowing one profile to morph to another profile while being extruded.
Importing and sweeping 2D polylines from a DXF files.
- Geometric transformations translation, rotation, scaling, stretching, and
mirroring; general alignment of bodies in space.
- Calculation of area, volume, centroid, moments of inertia and products of
inertia for bodies; calculation of area, perimeter, and centroid for faces.
- Checking interference of bodies; testing location of a point with respect
to a body.
- Picking entities (vertices, edges, faces, and bodies) in projected views.
- Storing bodies in a native format; storing projected or triangulated bodies
in DXF files.
- Modern object oriented software architecture.
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