Thursday, June 19, 2008

MFC host Winform and WPF

非托管的vc工程中部分文件使用.Net Framwork


Host Winform in MFC Dialog:

Host WPF in MFC Dialog:





注意:C#中不能调用CLI/C++中的Native的class。同样Native C++中也不能调用CLI/C++中的Ref的class。

Native C++的project调用C#的DLL,一般有3中方法:
3) 在VS中可以直接修改NativeC++的project或是部分文件为使用CLR来调用C#的DLL

Thursday, June 12, 2008



一、Squash and Stretch压缩与伸展


    这不见得是真实的物理表现,可是一般人却期待在动画中看到这种夸张的表现,压扁拉长,尽量夸大角色身体变形的程度,来达到动作上的张力与效果(喜感,惊讶感…….)对应到现在的三滴动画软件中,皆有提供形变(Deformation)的功能,从最基本的scale到不等比缩放,以及进阶控制的,如FFD BOX……等网格式形变功能,都能帮助我们轻易的达到压缩与伸展的效果。






    夸张的表现方式五花八门,有在技术面上利用各种形变等功能,产生造型上的夸张,也有来自角色动作上的夸张……. 相较于真实拍摄的电影,以(计算机)动画来表现夸张的效果,是轻而易举的一件事。但夸张的意义并不完全是动作幅度大,而是经过深思熟虑后挑选的精采动作,将传递出角色动作的精髓。

四、Straight ahead and pose to pose(就是p2p)


    对应于计算机动画制作上,几乎所有的计算机动画软件都是以Key frame的方式来设定人物角色的动作或是物体的行进路线(主要动作);而由电脑依所赋予的各项参数计算出中间的画格(连续动作)。主要画面的设置,与中间画面之间,存在着极微妙的关系。

五、Follow through and overlapping跟随动作与重叠动作




六、Slow in and Slow out淡入淡出



    由以上的原则可知,动作的速度变化,可以清楚的说明动作的种类、程度……带给观者不同的感受,我们在制作计算机动画时,所有的动作都会转化为各种数值,物体的行进路线也会构成控制的曲线(PATH),每一个Key frame在动线上会形成一个事件刻度(Control Point),这个刻度与动线所形成的切线种类,会影响到事件开始执行与结束的速度,经由这种设定来达到"平滑开始与结束"的效果。




    在计算机动画制作上,我们可以直接在Key frame上调整,或透过诸如Track View的动线轨迹上形成的事件刻度(Control Point),这个刻度与动线所形成的切线种类,也可以控制物体运动的方式,经由这种设定来达到"圆弧动作"的要求。

八、Secondary Action二次运动


    例如以跳跃的脚步来表达快乐的感觉,同时也可以加入手部摆动的动作来加强效果……第二动作可能相当的细微,但却有画龙点睛之效,在制作计算机动画时。我们可以将主要动作设置好,透过反复预视,再加入辅助的动作,但什么是恰当的Secondary Action?则必须透过经验的累积、对动作的观察,转化为属于动画师的肢体语言的风格!

九、Timing and Weight时间控制(也就是节奏)与重量感




    在计算机动画的制作上,修改动作发生的时间是相当容易的一件事,透过各种的控制方式能对Key Frame作相当精准的调整,而预视(Preview)的功能更是比传统方式能够更快的观察出动画在时间上所发生的问题,而能径行修改。




    自第一部动画片问世以来,动画都是通过片中主要角色和次要角色的动作来营造幽默气氛和阐述剧情的。动画就是动的艺术,而角色动作则是表现重点,角色动作的实现手段更是随着科技的发展而有了很大的不同:最早的动画片,诸如max Flesher兄弟的《逃出墨水井》,用的是最为直观方便的办法来实现的,将胶片上的人物角色的动作一张一张的描摹下来。经过一段时间的发展,动画成了一门独立且包罗万象的视觉媒体艺术,制作程序也渐渐的流程化,科学的工作分配使角色的动作实现起来变地烦琐。按照迪斯尼的经验和要求,首先,要对真实的表现对象进行长时间的临摹,对角色的形象、结构,乃至习性和习惯动作都要有一个系统的观察临摹,再进行艺术夸张,把一张对角色形象性格逆造有帮助的要素夸张出来,有的是极度夸张,使最后在画面中的角色有血有肉,有性格有弱点,有他们自己的生活。这时的角色动作创作要经过上述的艺术夸张之后,再进行提炼,画出关键的特点动作,再在这些关键张之间按照角色的性格不同所需要的不同节奏画出数量不等的中间张,这就是一直沿用至今流传世界的关键张的办法。





Wednesday, June 11, 2008

C++ VS. C#


There are a number of areas to contrast and compare advantages of C++ and C#.

There are also questions of managed C++ (C+/CLI) compared to unmanaged ("classic") C; for now we're comparing unmanaged C+ to C#, which uses a managed memory model.

Code Writing


C#'s strengths:

·         Automatic memory initialization and management. While coding little attention is needed for who owns what memory, meaning that coding is faster in general. The whole problem of freeing memory when handling an exception does not exist.

·         Memory freeing happens automatically in C# through garbage collection. Overloading pointers to perform reference counting can help ameliorate memory freeing problems in C++, but these schemes are often involved to get exactly right.

C++'s strengths:

·         You are in control of memory, though this feature can be a double-edged sword. You can exactly tell how much memory is needed in advance, and precisely control how that memory is laid out, if need be. There will never be any delays due to garbage collection.

Both languages can have the problem of holding onto memory after it should have been freed. In C++ this is common, as a destructor might not explicitly free memory it should have. However, C# can also hold onto memory; for example, an event might need to be unregistered for memory it references to be let go.


C#'s strengths:

·         Single file: there is no .cpp/.h code vs. header file separation. This makes writing code simpler, and encourages a good programming style: it is so simple to add a method to a class that it is worth just doing so. In C++ adding a new method involves editing two files, adding a similar but not quite the same method descriptor to each, and compiling to check your work.

·         Extremely fast compilation. Large systems take minutes to compile, not an hour, leading to less programmer down time. For example, Autodesk Design Review, in C++, can take a solid hour to build it. Inventor can take hours to build. C# is fast enough that the whole build can be performed automatically whenever a checkin is done, quickly showing any build problems.

·         One set of common libraries. C# has a large number of classes supporting common operations, handling data and exceptions in a consistent way. C++ has STL, which is not as comprehensive or universal.

C++'s strengths:

·         Every programmer (pretty much) is familiar with the language and has used it for years. That said, short books such as O'Reilly C# Essentials book can ease the transition; even just reading a "differences article" like this one can get programmers most of the way there. C# is about 85% like C++, with a few new constructs and a few kinks ironed out.

·         You are "closer to the metal" with C++, in that you can intuit a bit better what operations are quick and what are not.

·         Integration of assembly code into inner loops of C++ code can make it faster. C# uses CLR, so assembly is unavailable.

Language Strengths

C#'s strengths:

·         Confusing and difficult to debug templates and #defines do not exist. Some design patterns are implemented by C#, such as C#'s delegates.

·         Reflection allows code to parse other data structures without much intervention from the user. This can allow, for example, simple dialogs to be automatically constructed and interpreted that allow someone debugging the code to quickly change parameter values.

·         #include files and the headaches of getting these to compile are almost non-existent in C#; it's "use" mechanism is geared for large projects.

·         There are many other little improvements of C# over C++: property set/get is a part of the language, there is direct support for events, enums can represent bits in a bit string and accessed correctly, "int" has a platform independent meaning, for example (important for 64-bit platforms), and so on. A good summary can be found here

C++'s strengths:

·         C#'s class reference system can sometimes be confusing to debug. Class references have no "pointer handle" to look at in the debugger, making it difficult to know what data is being examined. C++'s use of pointers means data can be precisely identified. (Note that you can achieve the same result while debugging C# by using the "Make Object ID" feature in the debugger, it's just a little more obscure to use - Steve Anderson.)

·         A number of C++ constructs can be used to perform the same functionality as C# (underneath the hood everything is machine code, so this statement is obviously true). In some cases C++ can be a bit more straightforward, see David Brownell's blog. That said, most programmers still use the default "new/delete" functionality, dumb pointers, etc. Informed C++ practice guidelines set by expert programmers can help avoid these problems.


C#'s strengths:

·         Automatic memory initialization and bounds checking. Some of the most difficult defects to track down (if they are noticed at all before the product is released) are those that occur sporadically, often only on release compiles of C++ code. These defects are almost always due to one of two problems: initialization or reading/writing out-of-bounds memory locations. C# avoids or identifies these problems early on: code will not compile if use of an uninitialized variable is detected, and execution will halt if an array overflow occurs.

C++'s strengths:

·         Over time a number of tools have been developed that can help the C++ developer, such as tools for finding uninitialized


As mentioned, C++ can be faster that C# for a number of operations.

There is a startup cost with getting C#'s CLR into machine code when the program is first executed. There is also a memory overhead for the CLR system itself, though this is a fixed cost so is not as important for larger applications. C++ does not have these costs.

An interesting fact is that C++ code is normally compiled for the least common denominator platform, e.g. a Pentium II processor, rather than for the commonly used CPU. C# uses CLR, which at least in theory can be compiled and optimized on the fly for the platform it is on. I do not know if this optimization is done in practice.

This is an interesting series of posts, starting here The author notes: "This managed code is a line for line conversion in the dumbest possible way of his initial program with no attempt whatsoever to optimize anything." Yet it was more than 10x faster than the original C++ code. One iteration of optimization made the C# program considerably faster, though eventually the C++ program, after 6 iterations of optimization, is finally a bit faster than the C# code. In the process, the C++ coder had to write his own string class, file I/O code, memory allocator, international code support, etc. More around here: (find the rest here:\), on the MSDN site.

Another relevant article is at – tidbit that Tom Miller, lead dev. for managed !DirectX, says Managed !DirectX is 3-5% slower than unmanaged !DirectX. Tom writes about how the initial version of managed !DirectX had some problems, now fixed: Managed !DirectX is not a toy, shipping products include those by

One fairly comprehensive article with an older version of .NET (which is constantly improving): - June 2005, in-depth comparison of common operations. C# is similar to C++ in performance, except for matrix multiplication (see - why? Note this is not 4x4 matrix multiply, so doesn’t really carry over to us directly). The two summary graphs: – without math – with math, more like what we do.

Bottom line for “with math”: C++, 761.5; C# 2.0 beta 2, 890.25 – C# is 16% slower overall (and surprisingly faster in some cases, e.g. lists, object creation & destruction).

Information from Ian Ameline (Maya):

I've done some performance comparisons, and when it comes to single precision floating point math (very common in 3D graphics and image/signal processing) C# and .net are substantially slower than C++. The Perlin noise generator used in Maya is very performance critical – for many renders, over 60% of the time is spent in this code.

Intel C++


552 cycles/result

perf mult = 1.00

MS C++


1078 cycles/result

perf mult = 1.95



1866 cycles/result

perf mult = 3.38 (or 1.73 compared to native MS)



1195 cycles/result

perf mult = 2.16 (or 1.11 compared to native MS)

These were measured on a 3Ghz P4 Prescott with an 800 Mhz fsb, Windows XP SP2, freshly booted, nothing else running. All tests were run 10 times, and the best time for each test was used. (Variance from run to run was less than 2%)

As a reference, on this platform, my hand coded SSE assembler version was 684 cycles/result – slower than the code generated by the Intel compiler (but slightly faster than the Intel V8 compiler.)

These numbers are consistent with what many are reporting – that .net is not that much slower than native code – the problem is that the native code they're comparing to is the garbage produced by the native MS C++ compiler.

Good native code is over 2x faster than .net on a number of problem domains of significant interest to us, and not many people are making that comparison.

This sort of code is typical for many of the performance critical paths of Maya.

(We compile all of our performance critical code with the Intel compiler. It does a substantially better job of generating fast code when compared to MS's compiler. I know what I'm talking about here; I spent 8 years working at IBM's research labs on the compiler teams as the architect for their x86 optimizing back end.)

So I went to look at why .net was so slow. The answer is that it does a very simple and naive translation to x87 floating point instructions. Virtually no optimizations to speak of.

The Intel compiler does a fairly smart job of using the SSE instructions for floating point, but does not vectorize this code – it's still scalar. When the Intel compiler does autovectorize, it gets another 2 to 3x performance out of your code. For our billow (clouds, etc.) texture generator, it's 3.5 times faster than MSVC 8, and about 6 times faster than C#.

The MS compiler is just too stupid to know that it doesn't need to promote all the single precision math to double precision. That's why it compares so badly to the Intel compiler.


It's clear that interfacing one C++ program with another C++ program is fairly straightforward, and a well-known quantity (though link errors can still be mysterious at times). C# to C++ and C++ to C# are less common ways of interfacing, and each has its issues and limitations.

Tools and Library Support

C#'s strengths:

·         Autocompletion of code just happens, by default, in Visual Studio. This same feature can be made to work for C+, but it's sometimes hit or miss. The ADR C+ developers complain about the incredible amount of time the latest Visual Studio takes to generate Intellisense databases for their C++ files, to the point that they will turn the feature off.

C++'s strengths:

·         Almost every outside library written will interface with C++, since the language is ubiquitous. A major problem for C# is the lack of commitment by Microsoft to fully support managed !DirectX 10, and managed wrappers for 64-bit machines.

Compile Time

C# code, or generally managed code, compiles in a small fraction of the time that it takes to compile comparable C++ code. While specific examples are not provided here, the difference is dramatic and leads to a substantial improvement in productivity, particularly for large projects. This speed is due in part to managed code being compiled to []an intermediate language], not machine code. Compiling is done at application run-time, through []just-in-time compilation] (JIT).


C# is tied to Microsoft and .NET, vs. C++ being platform agnostic. There are efforts to make C# work on Linux and Macs, e.g. the Mono Project, an open-source project supported by Novell.


Modeler: A faceted solid modeling system

A Modeler is a faceted solid modeling system. It should provides the following



-  B-Rep data structure for the faceted representation of solid bodies.


-  Combination of bodies using the regularized Boolean operations -- union,

   intersection, and difference -- and sectioning bodies with a plane.


-  Perspective or parallel projection with hidden lines removed.


-  Box, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus, pipe, rectangleToCircleReducer,

   convex hull and other primitives.


-  Set of sweep operations including general extrusion along the path,

   allowing one profile to morph to another profile while being extruded.

   Importing and sweeping 2D polylines from a DXF files.


-  Geometric transformations translation, rotation, scaling, stretching, and

   mirroring; general alignment of bodies in space.


-  Calculation of area, volume, centroid, moments of inertia and products of

   inertia for bodies; calculation of area, perimeter, and centroid for faces.


-  Checking interference of bodies; testing location of a point with respect

   to a body.


-  Picking entities (vertices, edges, faces, and bodies) in projected views.


-  Storing bodies in a native format; storing projected or triangulated bodies

   in DXF files.


-  Modern object oriented software architecture.




Monday, March 3, 2008



开会一定要有agenda,最好是在发meeting request的时候就列出来。



应该是很好的keep-eye 和 feedback机制确保项目按时高质量的完成。领导者应该参与到过程中,不断地发现问题,







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